One of the main goals of SINS is to instigate, stimulate and further refine productive dialogue on ongoing narrative research in an international state of the art setting. To help achieve this, the course combines different types of presentation and discussion as well as employs shifts in subject positions to facilitate genuine interaction between participants and the invited key notes. The course consists of three main types of sessions:
Lecture sessions: Invited key note speakers provide both overview and in-depth reports from the most recent research in their field with ample time for questioning and discussion.
Project presentations: Prior to the course, participants provide a short, written account of an aspect of their ongoing work on narratives and/or narrative theory. On the basis of these accounts the participants are divided into groups, each headed by one of the invited lectures. In these groups each participant will do an oral presentation with comments, suggestions and questions from the rest of the group.
Reading sessions: Taking classic and very recent key texts as well as more marginal or under utilized theory in narrative study as their starting points, these groups provide an option to discuss a wide range of theoretical and methodological issues. Based on their area of interest, the participants are free to pick from the several different simultaneous groups.
Final program will be provided to participants at a later date.